Your Ovulation Roadmap: Answers to 9 Common Questions!

Your Ovulation Roadmap: Answers to 9 Common Questions!

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03 October 2023 . 6 min read


Whether you are trying to avoid pregnancy or trying to conceive, knowing more about your menstrual cycle can help you make informed decisions about your sexual health. Ovulation plays a key role in your monthly period. This blog will answer the most commonly asked questions about this natural (but sometimes confusing!) process! Let’s get started.

1.What is ovulation?

The release of an egg from an ovary is called ovulation. It begins when you start menstruating and stops when you reach menopause (when you stop getting your periods).

Hormones released in the brain trigger ovulation, which releases a mature egg from one of the follicles in your ovary. This egg is now ready to be fertilised by a male sperm, which could result in pregnancy. Understanding ovulation's signs and symptoms helps couples track their fertile windows. This can be used to avoid getting pregnant or as a tool to plan sex if you are trying to conceive.

2.When does ovulation occur?

Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining in women of reproductive age, controlled by hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Your cycle starts with the first day of your period and lasts till the first day of the next. Ovulation usually happens around day 14 of a 28-day cycle.

So, how many days after your period do you ovulate? Ovulation occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period. This is when you're most fertile, with a high chance of conception.

3. What happens during ovulation?

Now that we have understood what ovulation is let usunderstand what happens during ovulation.

Follicles are fluid-filled sacs in ovaries containing eggs. During ovulation, the ovarian follicle releases a mature egg. This occurs under the influence of hormones called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). The FSH causes the maturation of the egg in the follicle, and the LH surge triggers the release of a mature egg from the ovarian follicle.

Once ovulation occurs, the released egg travels through the fallopian tube. If the male sperm meets and fuses with the female egg, fertilisation occurs. The non-fertilised egg enters the uterus and attaches to its lining, marking the beginning of pregnancy. It then begins to dig into the thickened uterine wall, forming a zygote which matures into an embryo and eventually a baby.

When the egg is fertilised, it leads to pregnancy. If not, it leads to menstruation. An unfertilised egg dissolves after 24 hours, causing a drop in your hormone levels. The thickened uterine lining begins to shed after 12-16 days, which you experience at the start of your monthly period.

4. How many eggs are released during ovulation?

Each month, an egg matures and is released from an ovary. Usually, one egg is released from each ovary every other month. However, sometimes more than one egg can be released, resulting in the possibility of multiple pregnancies like twins.

5. How many days after your period do you ovulate?

Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period starts. This is when you are most fertile and have the highest chances of conception. The sperm can survive in the female body for up to 7 days after sex. If you ovulate within seven days of having sex, there is a high chance of achieving a pregnancy. 

6.How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant?

You might find the concept of the "fertile window" intriguing. This window spans up to 6-7 days before ovulation, during which the chances of pregnancy are highest if the egg is fertilised by sperm. Simply put, the fertile window corresponds to the period when ovulation occurs. Sperm can survive inside the female body for about five days, whereas the egg remains viable only 12-24 hours after release. So, fertilisation needs to occur during this window of time. 


7. What are the symptoms of ovulation?

Certain ovulation symptoms can help you determine when you are likely to ovulate during a cycle. These include:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating in the stomach
  • Mild pain or discomfort in the stomach or lower part of the stomach, usually on one side
  • Light bleeding
  • Heightened arousal
  • Increased sense of smell or taste
  • Mood Swings
  • Changes in food habits

8. How do you calculate ovulation day?

Why track ovulation? It's like having your own natural family planner! Whether you want to avoid pregnancy without using birth control or you want to know the perfect time to conceive, understanding ovulation lets you take control of your reproductive health.

There are a few methods to help you understand how to calculate ovulation day:

  • The calendar method is a simple way to track your menstrual cycle over multiple months to note its length. The average length of the cycle is 28 days; however, it can extend from 24-38 days. You’re most likely to ovulate around the middle of your cycle, plus or minus 1-2 days.
  • Ovulation causes your body temperature to rise slightly for a few days, about 0.3 to 0.7°C. Record your morning temperature in a chart to easily identify your ovulation day.
  • Vaginal discharge may clear, thick, and slippery around ovulation.
  • Using ovulation kits and fertility monitors helps detect hormone levels that indicate ovulation.

While these are easy methods to narrow your ovulation day, it is also important to remember that certain irregularities may occur due to hormonal problems, thyroid disorders, etc. It is essential to take your doctor’s advice in such a situation.

 9. How often should you have sex during ovulation?

When trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy, you may want to plan your sexual activity around your ovulation day. So, how many days after ovulation can you get pregnant?

Your fertile window is much longer than you may think! Sperm can survive within the female body for up to five days, while the egg remains viable for 12 to 24 hours. This means there's a potential for pregnancy if you have sex up to five days before or one day after ovulation.

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, many experts suggest having sex every day or every other day during your fertile window. But it’s important not to place undue pressure on yourselves, especially if frequent sex isn't feasible or comfortable.


Ovulation is an important part of a woman's menstrual cycle. Understanding what ovulation is, when ovulation occurs,and its signs and symptoms can help you make informed choices about your sexual health.
